Thursday, January 13, 2011

Boss is Going Out of Town!

It's that time again, the time of year when the headbag goes off to market and the other bags are left alone in the shop...hmm, whatever will they do without our awesome headbag leading the way?

Maybe, I should back up here for a second and explain all this "bag" name throwing around...Well, it's called Baglady Boutique, so naturally, the girls get those moments of shear genius and decide to give a nickname to all the girls in the shop. Like, Ginny, our owner, is dubbed the honorable Headbag title. Me, THE Retail Princess, accepts the title of Futurebag. Stacey, our fun & fresh employee, is dubbed the Newbag {that is until she earns a title of her true character}. And so on, and so forth...ask any of the girls their "bag" name and see what they say.

Now that I've explained all this name-calling going on, we can continue with the real reason for this post...

Like I said, the Headbag and her Retail Princess will be leaving the shop for a few days for the most glorious time of the year: MARKET!!! What is market you ask? Oh, boy! It's just the most fabulous thing on earth for anyone in the retail industry. We, as owners, get to attend shows where entrepreneurs, established companies, and many others alike gather together to show off their fun, new products for the following season. Yours truely will actually be working in one of the showrooms, fullfilling a major dream of mine to actually be hired by this particular showroom one day.

One thing that's always fun to look forward to is the after market collage. You will be able to find it via blog, facebook, twitter, and email!

Now, on to the most important part:

I think you'll like what the leftover bags decided to put on sale, happy shopping!

{The} Retail Princess

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